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We know how critical it is to keep cooling tower systems running efficiently and reliably in every industry, cooling does however incur high operational costs. Scaling, corrosion, and microbiological growth constitute major issues that can reduce performance, cause system downtime and threaten the health and safety of operators because of Legionella.

Operators need to work with their water treatment professionals to balance cooling tower blowdown control with proper cooling tower chemical treatment and establish appropriate control parameters which optimise water usage and heat exchange efficiency in their cooling tower systems.

No two cooling tower water treatment programs are alike, due to the number of water quality and operational variables which impacts the system’s performance.  Starting with the water quality itself, cooling tower operators need to understand their water's tendencies.

Our team of experts works with you to create a cooling tower water treatment program based on your water quality and the problems that need to be addressed.  Developed to neutralise scaling, corrosive or fouling nature of the cooling water throughout the system and optimise both heat exchanger efficiency and system protection.  

Key factors effecting water cooling systems

Scaling of cooling water systems results in loss of efficiency through the insulation of the heat transfer surface and a reduction of process cooling.

Scaling is prevented through control of system blowdown to manage the cycling of the water in the system to an acceptable level. In addition to this chemicals can be added to condition the water to be in a state that reduces its tendency to scale.
Corrosion causes metal loss from the system which can lead to plant and equipment failure that results in costly repairs and replacement.

Corrosion is prevented through the addition of chemicals that inhibit the formation of a "corrosion cell" they "passivate" or coat the surface of the metal creating conditions preventing corrosion.
Fouling causes blockages, reduction of flows and reduction of surface areas for heat transfer in equipment. Fouling is prevented through the removal of potential water contamination prior to it getting in the tower, filtration settlement etc.

The effect of airborne contamination is minimised through the use of air inlet filters and online filtration. Ongoing inspection and tower cleaning are also important to prevent Fouling from becoming an issue. Chemicals are also added to keep fouling in the water flow and allow it to settle safely in the sump of the cooling tower.
Microbiological growth leads to problems with heat transfer, biofilm is many times more insulating than scale. Critically though, uncontrolled microbiological activity adds a  potential risk of human infection through inhalation of Legionella bacteria from contaminated water droplets which can result in individuals contracting Legionnaires disease.

Microbiological growth is controlled through the use of biocides to maintain water conditions that are unfavourable to bacterial growth.
Cooling Tower

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