FREE Case Study

Advanced wastewater treatment and biogas energy for Arla Dairy (Aylesbury, UK)

Watch this video and discover how Arla created the first zero-carbon fresh milk processing facility in the world.  At the heart of the wastewater treatment plant is Veolia Water Technologies Memthane® AnMBR anaerobic technology.


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In response to Arla Dairy's ambitious goal of establishing the world's first zero-carbon fresh milk processing facility, our team implemented an innovative solution combining advanced wastewater treatment and biogas energy.

At the heart of this project lies the Memthane® AnMBR, a technology developed by our subsidiary, Biothane®. This Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor not only effectively removes up to 99% of chemical oxygen demand (COD) but also maximises energy and water recovery, contributing to Arla's carbon-neutral objectives.

By treating 500 cubic meters of wastewater daily and utilising a patented mixing system reactor, our solution has not only achieved an average total COD removal of 99.4% but also generated biogas for an on-site combined heat and power (CHP) plant, ensuring sustainable and environmentally responsible dairy operations.


Key figures

  • Start-up date: 2013
  • Contract type: Design and build
  • Application: Wastewater
  • Flow rate: 500m3/d – COD: 5.4t/day
  • Average total COD removal is 99.4%
  • Technology: Memthane®
Biothane - Aviko

Discover another successful case study with anaerobic technology

Aviko, a major player in the food industry, has invested in a two-stage anaerobic-aerobic treatment solution to cut emissions and reuse effluents. Biothane® Advanced UASB, an anaerobic reactor, is one of the technologies used to produce green biogas and reduce operational GHG emissions.


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