Hubgrade Performance Plant Savings Calculator

Estimated savings that you can realize by using Hubgrade Performance Plant on your wastewater treatment plant

Find out the savings you can make with the Hubgrade Performance Plant module at your wastewater treatment plant by entering your details below. At Veolia Water Technologies, we are creating solutions for the future that reduce environmental impact, deliver savings and optimise plant performance.

Source: IEA - 2023 - statistics

Hubgrade Performance Plant savings

{|localNumber(powerMin.round)|} kWh
{|localNumber(powerMax.round)|} kWh
{|localNumber(carbonMin.round)|} kg CO2-eq
{|localNumber(carbonMax.round)|} kg CO2-eq
The figures shown are estimated industry costs. Fill in using your own figures if known, or you can use the estimated costs.
**Results have been recalculated on the assumption that the wastewater treatment plant operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Please note that our online calculator provides estimated savings using the data you have entered.

If you would prefer a more accurate savings calculation, we encourage you to reach out to our experts using the form below.

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