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The use of pure apyrogenic steam in the pharmaceutical sector

Pure apyrogenic steam is widely used in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries for several crucial purposes, including:

  1. Sterilisation of equipment and instruments used during the production of drugs and medical devices, ensuring an environment free of contaminants and bacteria. Pure apyrogenic steam is also used for the sterilisation of finished products and the production of drugs, ensuring that the environment and materials used are free of endotoxins and impurities, thus avoiding adverse reactions in patients.
  2. Research and Development laboratories often rely on pure steam to maintain a sterile and controlled environment when handling sensitive materials and performing tests that require high standards of cleaning.
  3. The manufacturing of medical devices also uses pure steam to ensure that they are free of contaminants and harmful bacteria, thus reducing the risk of infections in end users.

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The use of pure apyrogenic steam is therefore essential to ensure compliance with the quality standards required by regulatory authorities and to guarantee the safety and effectiveness of products intended for medical and pharmaceutical use.


Do you want to learn more about how pure steam is produced?

Read our article to learn more about the production process.

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