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As a water company your regulatory obligations can be challenging. AMP7 sets out tough phosphorus removal and filtration targets by 2025, and AMP8 will soon be in your sights. Pressure to deliver high quality water at a competitive cost is high.

Your future success depends on having the right technology

We’re experts in phosphorus removal from wastewater, constantly developing new phosphate removal methods. We offer water companies and contractors many biological and chemical technologies. Whether you're a small or large treatment works, we’ll help determine the right technology to reduce phosphates in your water and meet your obligations within budget. When you partner with Veolia, you enjoy dedicated expert support. They’re on hand to advise you and help achieve your goals. Download our whitepaper here.

Ready to discuss meeting your phosphorus removal obligations?



Find the right technology for your business using our online 
Phosphorus Removal Calculator

First rate service and secure supply

Our skilled experts help customers throughout the UK and as a global water technology business, we draw resources and support to meet your needs - before, during and after project completion.

You’ll have key contacts responsible for your specific project, supported by our in-house design and commissioning team.

Our supply chains are robust and well established - For example, customers benefit from our solid relationship with Hydrotech for disc filter solutions in Sweden (a well-established phosphorus removal method) and their constant work to reduce capital expenditure and operating costs.

The same level of delivery and support exists for other methods to extract phosphates in water, such as Actiflo (ideal for larger sites with low phosphorus consents) and Struvia (which reuses phosphates in water).



Actiflo is the ideal solution for larger sites, especially those that have low phosphorus consents to achieve. Well established as a phosphorus removal technology, it has been utilised on a wide range of different projects to meet the required standards. Not only does the water clarification process offer a high flow rate with a small footprint it can also deal effectively with variability. Learn more here.

Hydrotech discFilter

The Hydrotech discFilter is a well-established technology, that has been widely installed on projects across the UK. This flexible, modular solution can suit a range of applications. As well as being easy to operate, the solution has a low TOTEX (total expenditure – CAPEX + OPEX). Learn more here.


Struvia technology facilitates the recovery, valorisation and reuse of phosphorus in wastewater and concentrated industrial water. Struvia helps turn the cost of sludge disposal into a source of income through the sale of struvite for reuse in fertiliser production. For sites with commercially viable volumes this can significantly improve the return on investment. Learn more here.

Let us help you meet your current, and future, phosphorus removal targets – your partner for years to come. 

Speak to one of our experts today