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Industrial water reuse: a winning strategy for your company

  • Much more than a simple gesture for the environment, implementing an industrial water reuse strategy is a real performance driver for companies. Here are the main benefits:

    🟣 Substantial savings
    By reusing part of your wastewater instead of using fresh water, you automatically reduce your associated consumption costs. What's more, as industrial effluent treatment is optimised, discharge costs can also be reduced.
  • Business man looking at bright light bulb in the wall concept
  • For an industrial site consuming 500,000 m3 of water per year, a Reuse strategy enabling 30% of the effluent to be reused generated annual savings of up to €2 million.

  • 🟣 A sustainable competitive advantage
    By reducing your consumption of fresh water and reusing your waste water, you can secure your water supply in the long term. This is an undeniable advantage in a context where resources are becoming increasingly scarce, enabling you to ensure the long-term future of your industrial facilities.

    🟣 A stronger green image
    Demonstrating your commitment to sustainable water management is an excellent way to stand out from the crowd, appreciated by consumers, investors and partners who care about the environment.

    🟣 Easier regulatory compliance
    Regulations governing water abstraction and industrial effluent discharges are becoming stricter in many countries. With Reuse, you can anticipate these changes and reduce the risk of non-compliance.

Success story of Reuse at a Belgian agri-food manufacturer

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